Building industry together

Building in industry

In an industrial building, the process installations and production facilities are the beating heart. Such a building has to fold around it like a reliable shell. But industrial housing is more than that. It must be a pleasant and safe workplace for people in the operation and in the office. You will often find various functions in and outside the buildings, each of which has its own requirements for the building. An industrial building is an ‘image maker’, certainly in a visible location.

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Sustainable building

Sustainability and circularity are important themes for Jorritsma Bouw. As a contractor, we contribute to this by focusing on energy saving, reuse, exploitation and increasing adaptive capacity in the future. The requirements from the climate agreement are leading; we deliver our construction projects (at least) in accordance with the applicable BENG standards. The user is always at the center of our sustainability efforts. Affordability and a healthy living and working climate are our starting point.


Jorritsma Bouw gives high priority to fair, healthy and safe work for all employees who perform work under its responsibility. Awareness, behavior and attitude within the entire organization are central to this. This applies to everyone, including our partners and clients. That’s why we started our own BAAS safety program!

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